Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Winding Up the Year

Tuesday was an awesome day, but also a relief to have finished. Wahine no. 1 ran a great Merit Assembly. A huge range of kids were acknowledged for thei efforts. We certainly view some of them as success stories in the full knowledge that we have contributed to what they have achieved; mainly around helping them overcome personal issues and hurdles in their lives in a way that school is still a good place for them. Wahine no.1 also produced an awesome junior prize giving once again. It ran without a hitch and there was a good turn out from parents. There are some outstanding kids here!

Wahine no. 1 was so pleased with herself she poured herself into a bottle of wine and dragged a few of us with her as well! It was great sitting back and relaxing and bullshitting with the likes of Eddie and Polly, wahine 1 and 2, Marg, Adrian, Heremaia. The old time leavers (Marg, Adrian and Heremaia) put on a great shout. It was a perfect way to end a neat day.

Wednesday was a bit of a struggle for wahine no.1 but wahine no 2 had done a great job with organising the JAM kids that things ran really smoothly. The rest of us participated in Day 1 of our Te Kotahitanga training run by Roimata, Tom and Eru and supported by our facilitator Mere. It was a fast-paced day, but once again our staff were keen participants and contributed very positively.
It was days like today that go a long way to explaining why so many of our kids do do so well!

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