Sunday, November 24, 2013

Restorative Practice

Three days of workshops with Marg Thorsborne on Restorative Practice ended the week which started with Julia Atkin challenging the thinking of our new staff. We have a great opportunity to work together as foundation staff and students to create a truly restorative school. I believe that without the restorative practice component we will not be able to claim to be student-centred. That's the wero that has been presented to us.

All of our brains were exploding with the insights Marg Thorsborne shared with us along with the challenges she laid before us

Shandy and perfect fish and chips is a great date with an Aussie sheila

Working the circles with HPSS staff and Marg Thorsborne

Processing it all on Saturday with a solo paddle. The mind was alive with the biology of restorative practice and the window, boxy thing.

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