Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fantasy Fulfilled!

Thank you to Lea, Barry and Trevor/Terry of the A team and Aaron, Destry, Karl and Jenny of the B Team who allowed me to fulfil my fantasy of paddling over to Pier 5 at Ohope for a beer and couple of beers before paddling home. We met Leigh, Lucy and Marg there for lunch.

The host was an odd man who wanted me to pay for my beers twice and made us sit outside the front door to eat our takeaways.

Barry now wants us to help him fulfil some of his fantasies but I'm claiming I'm allergic to glad wrap and whipped cream!

Lea enjoyed her new Tri Bear. My hunk of plastic was hard work but I didn't fall too far behind.

The weather is closing in and will most probably affect our plans for a humungous trk tomorrow. We were planning to go in at Motu and come out the Manganuku Creek via the Pakihi Heads Hut. We'll most probably have to do the ring buster to avoid being swept down a swollen creek.

I'll let you know how we get on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure their wives wouldn't care if they got swept away down the river, in fact it is probably top of the list of their fantasies!