Saturday, May 26, 2007

ERO Report Outstanding!!

We had a great week when ERO was here a fortnight ago. It was quite nerve-wracking while they were here because they rattle every cage that they can find and dissect everything that falls out. As the week progressed, howver, it became clear that they knew they were visiting a great school. At the end of the visit they made an extremely positive report to the BOT where they congratulated the school for its very high levels of achievement, the high levels of respect they saw between everyone at school and the high levels of confidence the parents had! It would be impossible, in my view, for any school to get a more positive report. You'll see when it's public.


Anonymous said...

Thats really good news Maurie, keep up your really good work. Who needs to spend silly money anyway to send your kid to some expensive school. If the kid wants to achieve big things when they're older it don't matter what school they go to. Look at alot of successful business men/women, farmers and orchardists. I bet very few of those people even finished high school!!

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Bravo Maurie, Robyn, Lea & the rest of the fantastic staff at Opo College. So good to have our views confirmed.