Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Refresh, Reconnect, Refocus: An opportunity to see yourself as a system thinker and leader

I've just read Derek Wenmoth's latest post on system leadership in which he challenges school leaders to think about leading, not just within their own school, but also within and across our whole school system. He carefully explains the rationale for doing so and finishes with some actions leaders could begin taking as they move into the system leadership space.

Many of you will know that I have had the privilege of collaborating with Derek, mainly through the delivery of our successful 3Rs Programme, over the last 12 months. I have learned a great deal from Derek and the cohort of principals who took part this year, but the focus on systems thinking and systems leadership has been the most thought-provoking.

Over 20 years of principalship did I just focus on organisational leadership of my schools?

I can't deny that that was my main priority. But Derek has got me reflecting on where in my career did I dig into some system thinking and even system leadership and what was the benefit of that.

At my first school I was Chairperson of the regional Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP), served on the National Executive and had a stint as Chairperson of the National Executive. Participation and leadership in that space allowed me to have a better perspective of the diversity within our sector, to be aware of the common aspects of many of our struggles and to be amazed by the many examples of innovative approaches to overcoming those obstacles.

While at the same school I was part of a network of principals in the Coalition of Schools facilitated by David Hood in which we were collectively challenged to imagine different approaches to schooling and leadership with readings, visits to schools (both here and in Australia) and many challenging conversations as we proposed and critiqued ideas to move forward.

I also was part of a Critical Friends network of 3-5 principals where we were able to test our thinking about what we felt were the best courses of action to take in our schools as we navigated our way through the start of the 21st Century.

During my time at my last school I was one of the Auckland representatives on PPTA's Secondary Principals Council (SPC). This involvement gave me a deeper understanding of the diversity within our sector, access to knowledge and information at the national policy level and an increasing realisation of the depth of commitment by school leaders to rise above the range of obstacles they experience to do their best for their schools and their community.

I was fortunate to be one of the founding group of like-minded principals who established DisruptedNZ which has promoted the ideas of innovation and transformation through a range of platforms including Facebook, X (Twitter), podcasts, DisruptedTV, symposia and online learning modules.

I also did my best to be active in the Kāhui Āko space and to support approaches and strategies which were driven by the common good for the schools in the network.

And, of course, I haven't shied away from sharing my views, usually through this blog, on what a future-focused school and schooling system should be focusing on in an attempt to share possibilities and practical steps with any of my colleagues who were prepared to listen.

Currently, I am enjoying an involvement in the Aotearoa Education Collective (AEC) which has drawn together school leaders, researchers and academics to cast a critical eye over the new directions we are being told to take since the new government came to power.

All of these have convinced me of the power of collaboration and connection, of the absolute importance of diversity and of the belief that together is always better. I am sure I was a better leader because of those experiences and that my schools were better for that.

This current phase of reflection prompted by Derek's post has reminded me that if we are to immerse ourselves in system thinking and system leadership it is vital that we act and interact in that environment based on a clear set of values and beliefs - values and beliefs about what makes for deep learning, values and beliefs about how we should lead and interact with others, values and beliefs we have about how the whole system should operate and be led.

My last post touched on this when I had been thinking about the number of constraints we have had to cope with in our desire for transformation and which is captured in this diagram:

Refresh, Reconnect, Refocus: Transformative Leadership Programmes for NZ School Principals and APDPs

Derek and I are thrilled to invite you to participate in "Refresh Reconnect Refocus," an innovative leadership programme designed exclusively for Aotearoa New Zealand school leaders - 1 for principals and 1 for APDPs. Following an incredibly successful pilot throughout 2024, we are excited to be offering this opportunity in 2025 to forward-thinking leaders who are passionate about shaping the future of education in our country.

Programme Highlights:

  1. Restorative 2 day(APDPs) or 3 day(Principals) Retreat: Begin your journey by connecting with like-minded leaders who share your enthusiasm for educational innovation.

  2. Expert Facilitation: Benefit from the wisdom and guidance of two of Aotearoa New Zealand's most respected educational leaders:

    • Derek Wenmoth (FutureMakers), one of NZ's foremost Future-Focused thinkers in education

    • Maurie Abraham (HMWLead) - a passionate advocate for transformation in schools, recently retired as principal at Hobsonville Point Secondary School

  3. Personalised Future-Focused Approach: Collaboratively design a vision for the future of education, tailored to your unique context and challenges.

  4. Practical Tools and Frameworks: Gain access to resources that will empower you to implement meaningful change in your school and/or area of responsibility.

  5. Ongoing Support: Enjoy a 20-week programme of personal mentoring and online support and connection, ensuring you maintain momentum and overcome obstacles.

  6. Celebration of Success: Reconvene for a final day of sharing, reflection, and celebration of your achievements.

Why Participate?

  • Be at the forefront of educational transformation in Aotearoa New Zealand

  • Develop a supportive network of innovative school leaders

  • Acquire practical skills and knowledge to lead your school into the future

  • Rejuvenate your passion for education and leadership

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a vital movement that is reshaping Aotearoa New Zealand's educational landscape. Places are limited, so we encourage you to register your interest today through this link.



‘My other key reason for joining the programme was the ongoing 20 week support / journey. I didn't want a one-off whizz bang experience. I wanted something that would build and develop with me as I moved forward. So the ongoing coaching and the buddy support is important to me’. 


‘I'm a new principal and often feel like I'm floundering.  Everything that we touched on gave a huge sense of confidence in what I am doing, what I can do better and what is possible.    But making connections with like-minded educators really built that sense of collective efficacy - that we are all in this together’.  


‘Engaged, passionate, well informed facilitators who seamlessly worked together to deliver an outstanding programme of thought provoking leadership learning’.  


‘Derek and Maurie deliver a balance of knowledge and questioning that gives you time to think about your leadership and where to next. Both facilitators have the experience, understanding, connection and passion for education, this has inspired me to really look at the why for me!’ 

Invest in your leadership, invest in your school's future. Join us for "Refresh Reconnect Refocus" and lead the change you wish to see in education.

We look forward to welcoming you to this extraordinary programme.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How Might Our Beliefs Overcome Constraints?

I really liked this recent post from Rebecca Thomas where she is moving us from the 'possum in the headlights' space to a place where we can be proactive and to contribute with our wisdom, in the belief that our voices will be heard.

It certainly helped me move from the place of anger that I was in to one in which I can feel more positive, which I was trying to be in my last post.

It got me thinking about how I responded to what I believed were unhelpful 'requirements' when I was a principal. I thought about how the school I was helping to lead responded to the formal qualifications environment. I know delivering NCEA Level 1 was never something required of us, but it was almost believed back in 2014 that it was.

We had founded our school on a set of beliefs and values that included learning being driven by deep challenge and inquiry, with the needs and interests of the learners at the centre. When we decided that we would not deliver NCEA Level 1 as part of our Year 11 programme that decision was based on the belief that that would enable us to keep our focus on deep challenge and inquiry.

Any of you who have read my posts over the last few years will know that I strongly believe that our decisions around our practices need to be driven by a set of values and beliefs. This is what we did back in 2014 in relation to NCEA Level 1.

I have found using Julia Aitken's Circles a great template to base decision-making on.

You start with your core values and beliefs and determine the principles or guidelines for action that will help you to decide on your practice.

This is all very well, but we do operate in a wider system and, unless you're a Charter School, there are parameters in which we are required to operate. Some of these might be strictly mandated (unless you're a Charter School!) such as phones, an hour per day of reading, writing and maths etc.

A way to navigate this, I suggest, is to see these as enabling constraints - requirements that we need to follow but open us up to the possibilities of thinking innovatively.

My approach would be to still begin with and be driven by your core beliefs and values and to follow your agreed principles/guidelines for action before accommodating the mandated requirements. I've attempted to capture this thinking in the following model:

I know in the past this is how I have made decisions (without being fully aware I was doing so).

If you're a principal out there who sees some difficulties in some of the recent mandates, starting with your core values and beliefs first, as shown in this model, might be useful. I know many, many principals do operate in this way.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Crisis in Political Leadership of Education: How Might We Respond?

I’m still reeling a little from Minister Stanford’s comment on Hosking's radio show (and quoted in the NZ Herald 5 August), "No more of this 'your kid turns up to school and decides what they want to learn'".

This comment implies that she believes a few things such as:

  • Teachers have handed over all autonomy to children in our classrooms and let them do as they wish

  • Students should turn up, sit down, shut up and do the work that the teacher has determined, in the context the teacher has determined, at the pace the teacher has determined and have their understanding assessed in the way and at the time the teacher has determined without students having any voice in any of those matters.

These beliefs do explain why she is pursuing the one-size-fits-all, mandated model in our state schools (under her watch she is allowing Charter Schools to be established to operate outside her beliefs).

I'm wanting to find a positive way to respond to the upheaval we are experiencing and I’m all for beliefs driving practice. However, it is important for beliefs, especially those that will drive decision-making across our sector, to be founded on evidence and that they are able to act as touchstones around which we can all rally together and which help us make sense of the decisions and practices being foisted upon us.

I find it difficult to be inspired and motivated by the beliefs above which sit behind her comments on the radio show as they are disrespectful of and insulting to teachers and school leaders and disrespectful of and dismissive towards our students.

It is disingenuous to claim that teachers are not driving the direction of learning towards focused learning outcomes, the ‘what’ of learning, and much of the ‘how’ of learning while skillfully constructing ways to assess student learning.

Teachers know that there are important bodies of knowledge that students need to learn and they are delivering on this admirably within the resource constraints under which they operate.

And students, at all year levels, have the desire and more capability than many policy makers realise to contribute to the decisions around how learning is designed for them.

This is not the same as, 'your kid turns up to school and decides what they want to learn'. This is all about seeking relevance for their learning (how are many adults, especially our policy makers, motivated to learn when they struggle with the relevance?) and about meeting the requirement in the New Zealand Curriculum to design learning programmes based on the needs and interest of our learners.

Looking for the middle ground

All of us want to increase student achievement. All of us know that we can be doing better, especially for some cohorts amongst our diverse learners. This is the ’What’

The disagreement is over the ‘How’.

The conflict emerges when we buy into a dichotomy of ‘either/or’ rather than ‘and’.

We can all agree on what important knowledge all students need to master and we can agree on a suite of teaching and learning approaches for teachers to draw on for the right student at the right time.

Saying it is all about knowledge or it is all about skills will get us nowhere. (To be fair I’ve heard more opinion about it being about knowledge with little, or any, about it all being about skills.)

Where does research point us?

There is plenty of research indicating that increased student agency in learning can lead to improved student achievement. 

Research, such as that from Journal of Further and Higher Education, RTI International and The Education Hub, has made some of the following findings:

  • Student agency, which involves students taking intentional and autonomous actions in their learning, has been shown to significantly impact academic performance, cognitive development, and perceived learning experiences.

  • Agency is a strong predictor of valued academic outcomes. Students who actively engage with their learning environment, seek clarification, and request assistance from teachers tend to score higher on standardised exams. Moreover, students who connect deeply with their assignments and evaluate their learning strategies achieve better academic outcomes.

  • Student agency is closely tied to motivation and self-regulation, which are critical for learning. By fostering autonomy and ownership over their learning process, students become self-regulated learners who are motivated and poised for academic excellence. This empowerment allows students to make decisions about their educational paths and shape their academic experiences based on personal interests and goals.

  • Implementing instructional approaches that promote student agency, such as student-designed units, can enhance learning outcomes. These approaches require students to identify learning goals and determine how best to achieve them, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement in their education.

The following image is a capability sequential process, led by the teacher, AFTER teacher directed learning of the necessary knowledge, which increases student agency.

From Trevor MacKenzie Dive Into Inquiry

Rallying around an inspiring vision

I’d love to have a Minister, supported by a Ministry, which sets about to determine, in consultation with a diverse range of stakeholders, an impelling vision for an effective curriculum and pedagogical model which recognises the body of specialist knowledge necessary for every young person to flourish now and in the future and promotes a suite of teaching practices that invites students, at appropriate times, into the learning design process.

Teachers who see themselves as learning designers and who invite their students into that design process: that’s something we could rally around.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Crisis In Schooling Is Not In Schools But In Political Leadership

I am no longer based in a school but I am still working closely with schools and leadership teams. I see colleagues struggling to align what they see happening in their schools as a result of their strong leadership, the awe-inspiring work of their teachers and the efforts of their students with the picture being hurled out of the mouths of our political leaders.

My unease was first raised when we were hit with the mixed messages from the Minister of Education (Stanford) and the Associate Minister of Education (Seymour). Very quickly Stanford has moved to promoting a one-size-fits-all model for the teaching of Reading and Mathematics with mandatory requirements for all state schools because this is what the research and evidence says is the way to go. But on the other hand we have Seymour moving at apace, taking a lot of the money that could be spent in the state sector, to introduce Charter Schools that will not be bound by any of these mandatory requirements which, apparently, research says is the answer. Surely they can't both be right.

There is no doubt, in my mind, that a crisis is being manufactured by our political leaders. I am really worried about what the purpose might be for such a determined intent to manufacture this crisis.

Found on Twitter

So many projectiles are being launched that it would be easy, but ultimately futile, to be reacting and responding to each. But somehow we have to find a way to overturn this narrative of crisis about our schools.

Ministerial Missteps 1: Stanford on Hosking

I have always rejected the positioning of knowledge against skills and believe it is a combination of both that serves our young people the best so that they can thrive in and beyond school. I have tried to resist it being an 'either or'. I lost all respect for Stanford when she said on Hosking's radio show (and quoted in the NZ Herald 5 August), "No more of this 'your kid turns up to school and decides what they want to learn'".

Any belief that I may have had that she was going to be a Minister worth rallying behind has been thrown out the window with such an ignorant and outlandish statement, with no basis in fact, and designed to manufacture a false view of what happens in schools and to contribute to the crisis narrative.

Ministerial Missteps 2: Luxon and Stanford on Maths

Based on an assessment attempted by 853 students in 42 schools which assessed students' Maths ability at Year 8 in a curriculum not yet being taught! Luxon and Stanford pound the pulpit about a crisis in Maths. They then use this 'data' to launch, 1 year ahead of schedule, a mandatory approach to Maths, with twice a year testing, using texts issued to all teachers, and workbooks issued to all students. This is because they believe evidence tells them this is the right way to do it. Charter Schools won't be required to follow this approach though!

Some people might say using data in this way meets the definition of lying.

Some people are also saying that by using such irrelevant data at this point which shows low level of achievement, that, when after 1 year of teaching in the new way, the assessment will, unsurprisingly, show dramatic improvement - which is what always happens when you teach to the test.

Ministerial Missteps 3: Luxon and Stanford on Maths Resources

We've been told in August that every single primary student will receive their very own workbook in their hands at the start of next year and every primary teacher will get their manual. Someone is going to be paid a huge amount to produce, publish and issue these huge quantities. If proper and transparent procurement processes are to be followed (they will won't they?) how can this possibly occur by the end of this year? 

I can't recall the exact dollar figure that was announced for the professional development support that is necessary for such a shift. I know it seemed like a big number, but calculations done at the time showed that it equated to about $400 per teacher. That's about the cost of the relief teacher to cover them for one day while they attend training.

Ministerial Missteps 4: Luxon on Art and Music

Luxon takes the cake for his ignorance on what makes up an effective school curriculum with what he said on Hosking's radio show (what is it about this show or its host which results in such ignorant outbursts) on 6 August:

"We are focused on outcomes: achievement in Maths and Reading and getting kids to school. That may well mean we're going to defer our arts and music curriculum for now."

Now I know that he is not saying that we won't be teaching art and music (I hope that is correct), but what I do know is that every art and music teacher in the country, every student with a passion for art and music, and every parent who knows that it is art and music that is keeping their child engaged in education and helping them with their Maths and Reading has heard our Prime Minister relegate those learning areas to the bottom of the heap. What a way to lead and inspire!

Why Is A Crisis Being Manufactured?

I don't know, but I have some fears.

Are they preparing us for more privatisation of our schools? Are they channeling scarce resources into the hands of publishers and others who support their ideology? Are they looking to create a crisis so blame can be directed at groups such as, let's say, unions?

I'm not sure about any of those, but one thing I do know is that, despite what they claim, our political leaders do not have the best interests of our children, their parents, or teachers at the centre of their decision making.

What to do?

We have great schools in NZ full of great teachers doing outstanding work. Of course we want to do better, especially for those still disadvantaged within the system. We have the desire and capabilities to do better, but to do so we need inspiring political leadership, not that what we have now which is doing its best to manufacture a crisis.

We have to find ways to push back against this narrative of a crisis in our schools.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

How Might We Lead By Taking Action

 A lot of the work I've been doing since retirement from principalship has been around supporting leaders and/or schools to take action, to actually do things that move them along on their transformation journey. All leaders, at least the ones I'm working with, want to make a difference and know that to do that they have to lead in doing things differently.

I build a lot of the work around my leadership model:

While doing this work and expanding my own learning through reading and attending webinars I've moved towards directing the model towards taking action:

I've found Gallagher & Connor's Embracing Messy Leadership a great help in focusing on taking Action.

M for Meaning Making
This section really aligns with Moral Purpose: Driving Action from the model above and sets out to answer the question, "How might I create a shared purpose and bring others along with me?"  I find working with Julia Atkin's Circles a huge help as we try to define our Moral Purpose and to help us make meaning.

E for Emotional Connection
Of course, if we want this Moral Purpose to drive our action we have to focus on answering the question, "How might I build trust?" I like working with Viviane Robinson's material on Open to Learning Conversations to drive this work but Messy's model of D x V x F > R explained below:

 S for Sensing the Future
This model leads us to developing the Courage: Taking Action part of my model and asking the question, "How might I imagine the future to be?" Messy outlines a great framework they call Breakthrough Thinking which I have included here from Gallagher & Connor's Embracing Messy Leadership

S for Seizing Momentum
After pondering the questions of "Where do I want to go?", "Where am I know?", How do I think I can get there?" and "What help do I need" it's time to launch a short,  sharp experiment to get the momentum underway and to have something short (in timeframe) and doable for people to focus on    (see the F in D x V x F > R). A short, sharp experiment can be quickly reviewed, inform next steps and drive the momentum.

Y for Your Presence
This requires us to ask the the question of "How might I own whom I am as a leader?" Am I clear on my moral purpose, and do I have the courage to take action while at the same time be Open to Learning: adapting action. Can I suppress the Imposter Syndrome voice in my ear and take action and lead with this moral purpose and with courage?

I highly recommend Gallagher & Connor's Embracing Messy Leadership and I'm going to continue to enjoy mining it for more gold.

One of the reasons it has so resonated with me is the alignment I see in it's messages and the work Derek Wenmoth and I have collaborated on in our Refresh, Refocus, Reconnect programme we are currently operating 14 15 primary and secondary principals. We plan to offer a similar programme to principals next year (watch this space) and already have more than 20 APDPs registering an interest in a similar programme we are offering for those senior leaders.

If you're an AP or DP and want to register an interest I encourage you to do so via the link.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Finding Joy and Purpose in Leadership

 As 2023 handed over to 2024 I was making my way through the training for and finally completing the Tarawera Ultramarathon 100 Miler event. I posted a bit about it, using some of the thinking and lessons I was learning from that to explore the key elements of leadership, especially the importance of  knowing your 'why', understanding your purpose.

The photo below was taken at the 110k mark at 3 30am deep in the Okataina Forest, 23 1/2 hours after the start with just over 12 hours to go. I was well and truly buggared and had really struggled the previous 6 hours with a bit of throwing up and struggling to take the required nutrition on board.

At this point my daughter joined me as my pacer for the last 50k. Just after the photo was taken she suggested right now was a good time to remember my 'why'. This was a timely suggestion because my 'why' had been centred around really testing myself to see what I was capable of, and now I was in unknown territory distance wise and was facing a real test.

She also knew that my father (her grandfather to whom she was very close) was an inspiration to me. She reminded me that he often competed in the Redwoods and that we would feel his presence. As the mist settled in the forest, as the shadows crowded in and as strange noises emerged from just outside those shadows it was easy to feel his presence.

A few kilometres later as we were climbing to the peak she also made the cheery observation that in 3 hours time the sun would be rising for the 2nd time in the race and that it would feel like 'a new day'.

Despite the evidence in the photo I experienced a huge amount of joy as we set about bringing life to my 'why'.

Joy and purpose

Two weeks ago I was participating in an on-line session where a computer programmer from USA was presenting on the capability of AI to enable personalised learning for school students. He was a talented young man who would have been hugely successful in the corporate world, but had instead created a start-up that had attracted investment of money and expertise to break apart the shackles that seemed to be resisting our desire to find ways to truly personalise learning.

It was obvious that he was working from the standpoint of firmly placing the students at the centre - who were they, what were their interests and needs and what pedagogy would best promote their learning - and then determining if and how technology could support that.

His opening line to us was:

        "I'm where I'm meant to be in life. I've found joy and purpose."

This so resonated with me that I lost focus on the presentation for a bit as I rolled that thought around in my mind.

I've spent a lot of my time recently working with school leaders in ways that are supported by my leadership framework:

The importance of 'Joy' seems to be missing, but I suspect it could be one of the descriptors that would fit nicely in that sweet spot in the centre.

APDP Leadership Opportunity
Derek Wenmoth and I are about 3/4 through our Principal Leadership Support Programme, Refresh, Reconnect, Refocus, and the feedback from principals has been strong, including:

“I was in desperate need of a programme like this. This gave me the opportunity to participate in a transformative journey of professional learning and wellbeing, where I rediscovered my passion, reignited my purpose, and reconnected with my vision for leading in education. Together, we got to nurture not just academic excellence, but also the holistic wellbeing of our school communities. Because when we thrive, so does the entire educational ecosystem.”

We have been asked by non-Principal senior leaders (APs and DPs) to run a similar programme in 2025 with a particular focus on their leadership context. We have committed to do that and are seeking no-obligation registrations of interest through the link attached to this flyer.

Have a look and see if it's for you. If it isn't, please share with a colleague who might find this opportunity is just what they need.

Let me know if I can help in any way.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Chatter About Charter School: Maurie's Musings

 If Charter Schools are the answer, what’s the question? 

I’ve been out and about amongst school leaders a lot and we often spend time talking about the wider issues the sector is facing, as well as what’s going on in their schools and what is dominating their thoughts.

Recently there have been a lot of wonderings about what the impact of Charter Schools might be on the wider education sector and what it might mean for them, their school and their colleagues and their schools. 

There’s not a lot of detail around yet, but the plan seems to be to move quite quickly.

This post attempts to capture my own musings on the topic influenced by what I have heard.

What is the problem that charter schools are seeking to address? 

In a recent press release, Associate Minister of Education David Seymour stated, “Charter schools provide educators with greater autonomy, create diversity in New Zealand’s education system, free educators from state and union interference, and raise overall educational achievement, especially for students who are underachieving or disengaged from the current system.” Based on this statement it would appear that Seymour believes that the state (government and Ministry of Education) and unions who look after the conditions of those who work for schools are getting in the way of improving the academic outcomes and the level of engagement of students. 

The Minister of Education, Erica Stanford has set out on a path of mandated common approaches to the delivery of education within the state school system. She has, among other things, mandated an hour a day each for reading, writing and mathematics, mandated structured literacy and banned cell phones in all schools. She seems to be pushing a one-size-fits-all approach and claims to be guided by the ‘Science of Learning’ in making these decisions. She obviously believes these, singular solutions, are the best approaches for all of our learners.

On the other hand, the Associate Minister of Education, David Seymour is rolling out his Charter School model which totally goes in the opposite direction, where it is all about innovation and choice. These schools, who will receive serious funding, will be able to choose their curriculum and their approach - they can make their own decisions about cell phones, about structured literacy, about how they allocate time. Presumably, he is basing his approach on a body of evidence.

They both can’t be right

One of the main concerns seems to be the environment of mixed messages that the sector is receiving from the Minister and Associate Minister

This poses the question - who is right? If more flexibility and choice is the answer, as Seymour is proposing, then why are state schools having that flexibility and choice restricted? Wouldn’t it make more sense to leverage the flexibility currently within the state system which includes Kura Kaupapa, Kura-a-Iwi, Special Character and other innovative approaches that exist?

If a more uniform, mandated approach is the answer, as Stanford is proposing, then why are we channelling millions of dollars into another model that is free to operate outside this approach?

How will Charter Schools operate within the education ecosystem

Up to 35 existing schools will be able to move to the Charter School model. Currently these schools can access support through the Ministry of Education for a wide range of reasons, including Trauma and Response, financial management, serious behaviour support and RTLBs, Iwi relationships and advice around leadership, school and community relationship issues.

Those schools that move to the fully-funded Charter School model will, presumably, have no free access to these services. This raises the potential concern that school leaders in the Charter School model may find themselves floundering and exposed without such support.

Some of us are wondering if more funding that state schools could be accessing, when schools are financially stretched,  may be diverted to similar supports being funded to be available for those in the Charter Schools.

As well, some are wondering what the impact might be on existing Professional Growth Cycle Networks. The assumption is that Charter School principals will not be required to participate in this valuable networking that supports their professional growth. If this is the case they will be missing a development opportunity. And what happens if they wish to participate but colleagues are not wanting to engage in such ways with school leaders who may be seen as undermining the State system?

How will existing staff be impacted

Concern is growing about the impact of radically changed employment conditions on staff employed in schools that shift to the Charter School Model. Those staff are currently employed according to a set of conditions in their current Employment Agreement. It remains unclear as to how these contracts and conditions will be affected if a school chooses to become a Charter School.

Many of those staff will not be in favour of the change and may, therefore, be restructured out of their position. There is a range of compensations available to them when this occurs which may result in a huge financial burden on the State and on boards.

There will also be some staff who may be happy with the move to being a Charter School but will need to maintain, at a minimum, their current conditions of employment.

Talk that the inability to transfer conditions or to be able to access redundancy rights that are within their current Agreements may be included in the legislation is a huge concern as this would signal a trampling of their current employment rights which are enjoyed by employees in most sectors.

These are just my musings which I believe others will also be thinking about. What are your thoughts?

Monday, April 8, 2024

Refresh, Reconnect and Refocus on Road Trip

I'm 4 weeks into a cool 8 week South Island road trip that is combining a bit of work (HMWLead) and holidaying with my wife. We've concentrated on the east coast and deep south. I've found it to be a great opportunity for my own refresh, reconnect and refocus.

After a few relaxing days in Kaikoura I co-facilitated with
Derek Wenmoth a school principals' retreat at Hanmer Springs, and the following week, after brief stop overs in Timaru and Oamaru, I spent a week based in Invercargill, where my son lives, and worked for 3 days at St Peter's in Gore assisting them with their deep learning Year 11 programme (no NCEA L1 - yeehah!) and their Years 7 to 9 programme. There's some courageous leadership going on there!

I also spent a day working with the SLT and curriculum leads from Māruawai in Gore supporting their wonderful connected learning programme they are designing for their junior school. There's some courageous leadership going on there.

I'm really looking forward to a continuing partnership with both of those schools.

The following week we slowly explored the Catlins (bucket list) before heading to Te Anau for 3 days which included a wonderful coach and boat trip to and through Milford Sound.

We've now made our way to Queenstown and after a day sightseeing there and in Arrowtown I start 2 days work at Liger Leadership Academy where I am supporting them in their Year 12 programme design and project based learning model design. They are doing great stuff, which you can check out on the latest Disrupted podcast where Claire Amos hosts the Liger principal, Daniel Cooper, so they won't need my input too much longer.

I'm very much looking forward to catching up with the team there after having spent a couple of days there last November.

I'm also looking forward to catching up with my ex DP from HPSS, Sally Hart, who is now DP at Mt Aspiring College. She has the wonderful privilege of hosting us at her whare for a couple of nights!

Most of the remaining 3 weeks will be a bit of a break but will be doing remote catch ups with the Hanmer participants to support their momentum.

The work at Hanmer has had Derek Wenmoth and myself being contacted to run something similar not only for another group of principals, but also Deputy Principals. Fill out the registration of interest link if you are keen to participate or send it to another leader who you think would benefit.

Thanks for reading about my road trip.